Sunday, October 4, 2020

The President Gambled With The COVID-19 Virus And Failed

President Trump's reckless flaunting of the CDC guidelines to control the spread of the coronavirus caught up with him and he now finds himself in Walter Reed Memorial Hospital for treatment of the virus.  Around the same time other people close to Trump also tested positive for the virus.  

The President allowed his own staff to meet regularly without wearing masks and ignoring social distancing and put all at risk.  He also held rallies and other functions in close gatherings and disregarded the safety factors that should have been in place.  And to add insult, at the Trump-Biden debate in Cleveland, Trump's family and friends refused to wear masks while Biden's family and friends did so.  

The recklessness of this President during the pandemic has been documented many times over and includes misinformation, disinformation and out right lies concerning the risk to the public and recommendations of the CDC.  And he has chosen to show his divisiveness by making fun of democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden because he wears a mask in public and practices social distancing.  Don't expect President Trump to be a changed person when he is deemed free of the virus.  He will be the same Donald Trump and mentally unfit to be President of the United States.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio


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