Monday, September 18, 2023

Froma Harrop and The Immigration Issue

 Harrop's article in the New Orleans Advocate of 9/15/23 titled, "Obama tried to fix the border and we can, too" tells the story how President Obama was the most effective in addressing the border crisis.  The letter tells how the democratic controlled U.S. Senate passed comprehensive immigration legislation on a bipartisan vote on President Obama's watch only to see in fail in the GOP controlled House because they refused to give the legislation a hearing or debate it and just let it die.  The article was on target but the media in general failed to tell that story timely and failed to use the story every time the GOP opened it's mouth about immigration reform.  


PolitiDose commentary told the story timely and in more detail in it's commentary dated 4/5/2018 titled, Immigration Rhetoric Grows Louder as Trump and Others Follow The Lead of The Fox News Network.  The media is so willing to run with the GOP's misinformation and lies about the problems instead of calling them out for missing an opportunity to legislate immigration reform legislation in 2013.  That is when the democratic controlled U.S. Senate passed comprehensive immigration reform named above by a vote of 68-32.  Fourteen GOP senators voted with the majority democrats.  That vote took place 10 years ago.  Just think how far along the nation would be on the subject if the GOP controlled House had followed the Senate and voted yes.  It should be noted at the time the bill passed the Senate the CBO said the bill would increase the GDP.  And the George W. Bush Institute said the bill is bullish on the U.S. economy.  

The GOP will try to use immigration as an issue during the 2024 election but don't expect the regular media to take them to task for killing comprehensive immigration reform in 2013 and their lack of action as a party when they are in power.  Trump and the GOP talked tough on immigration when in power but did nothing and had no plans to introduce any bill of legislation to address the situation.  They just kicked the immigration issue down the road using their extreme rhetoric as usual.  

PolitiDose commentary will be there during the 2024 election and continue to expose the GOP's anti-American ideology and lies concerning immigration reform.  So stay tuned to PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary. 

This commentary written by Joe Lorio  

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