Monday, October 2, 2023

America Was Not Built On Fear, America Was Built On Courage, On Imagination And An Unbeatable Determination To Do The Job At Hand.

 Those words were spoken by former President Harry Truman long ago and became one of his many sayings that explained his wisdom about America and government.  Sadly, today in the America of Donald Trump and the media in general, fear, intimidation, lies, misinformation and toxic rhetoric are being displayed on a regular basis instead of the positives taking place in America every day.

The media are willing to enable a traitorous former President Trump and his GOP supporters to tear down America with their toxic rhetoric of un-American behavior and opposition to  the country's democratic process.  The toxic rhetoric dominates the news cycle because the media allows it to take place.  The courage that President Truman speaks of cannot be found in the media's reports that tell the story of what America and democracy is all about.  They have allowed the negative voices to take over center stage by their own willful acts.  They have succumbed to fear tactics and failed to remember the courage that Ameria was built on and the imagination that still burn daily in the American people.

America the beautiful has been betrayed by a media bent on filling up time and space with negative voices at the expense of the positives going on in America that are working for the people and the country.  The ability was lost to have an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand when the media allowed the former traitorous President Trump to swamp their own news cycle with toxic rhetoric and lacked the courage to tell the real story of  America's success and progress. 

It is past time to shut down the former President and his continued threats of violence to people and let the legal system do it's job of bringing him to justice.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio 

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