Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Is It Any Wonder Why The People of Louisiana Are So Politically Confused?

 Two editorial commentaries published in the New Orleans Advocate of 10/8 and 10/10 tells the sad story why.  The first by Stephanie Grace titled, "Even after Jan 6 vote, Scalise is the best hope" confirms her choice of Steve Scalise as being the next Speaker of the House for the GOP and lists the positives and negatives why.  Unfortunately her comments are a contradiction piece of work because her own negative views of Scalise outweigh her own positive views.  Scalise has been the number two man in the U.S. GOP controlled House for over 6 years and is a Trump ditto head.

The second commentary of 10/10 by the editorial board titled, "Graves must put La first and back Scalise for speaker" was just as bad.  The editorial urges Louisiana's GOP rep. Garret Graves to support Scalise as speaker and notes that only one of several Louisiana reps. in the House has supported Scalise for the position.  The editorial then goes on to say how Scalise could be a positive for Louisiana if elected speaker.

Both commentaries let slide the fact that Steve Scalise and the GOP all are Trump ditto heads and that is who they take orders from.  They still support Trump's lies about a stolen presidential election in 2020 and as a result still support the over through of America's democratic process.  

The bottom line is the GOP is no longer a political party that believes in our constitution and democratic process of governing.  Their actions remind us of that every single day.  What the New Orleans Advocate editorial board should be writing about is how the GOP and its elected officials turned their backs on the country and its people in favor of autocratic governing, extreme rhetoric against America's institutions and the rule of law.  And that, really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe lorio

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