Monday, October 9, 2023

The U.S. Economy, Job Creation and the Unemployment Rate for September 2023.

 The U.S. Labor Department announced that the U.S. economy created 336,000 jobs in September and that the unemployment rate came in at 3.8%, same as last month.  It was the 32nd straight month of positive job growth  and exceeded the 180,000 jobs predicted by the pundits.  The negative voices still have a hard time finding an answer why they have been so wrong about their negative predictions concerning the economy.

As of September, the unemployment rate has stayed in the 3% range for the past 20 straight months.  The last time that took place was on President Lyndon Johnson's watch from Feb. 1966 -September 1967.  The good news prompted the negative voices who have predicted recession for the past 15 months to once again try to guess what the Feds will do with interest rates.  The negative voices, the crazies in the GOP controlled U.S. House and the Feds won't be satisfied until they wreck the economy.  They are really a sad bunch.

The President and the democratic party in Congress need to continue to be strong and be the sane party in Washington who govern.  President Biden has been in office for 32 full months (Feb.2021-Sept.2023), has presided over a good economy, low unemployment, lower increases in federal spending, a strong foreign policy that supports and defends democracy at home and abroad.  Consumer spending is still positive despite inflation and inflation is still receding.  Deficit spending in Biden's first two fiscal years is down from Trump's last two fiscal years.

But the media in general and the conservative media in particular in their broadcast and opinion writings devote most of their time to the extreme voices of a traitorous former President Trump, the GOP negative views and the negative voices who want to see the President fail.  They seem to take pleasure in paying so little attention to the positive accomplishments of the President and his party and how well the economy has done so far.

The media has chosen sides with the negative voices instead of the positives that make America the beautiful.   So stay tuned to PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary for the facts of what takes place in the political arena.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio 

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