Sunday, May 5, 2024

Donald Trump Should Follow In The Footsteps of Former Vice President Spiro Agnew.

 On October 10, 1973 Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned from his office after being indicted for accepting thousands of dollars in bribes while serving as Baltimore county executive, governor of Maryland and Vice President of the United States.  Agnew made the right decision for the well being of the office, the nation and the people.  President Nixon accepted Agnew's resignation.

Donald Trump should follow in Agnew's foot steps by announcing he will no longer seek or accept the GOP's nomination for President.  Trump has been convicted of sexual assault and abuse of a woman and then found guilty of defaming the same woman.  Trump's companies have been found guilty of fraud in several suits and Trump was fined millions of dollars for his knowledge of what took place and allowing the fraud to take place.  In addition, he is also under numerous indictments and at the present time on trial in New York while several more trials are in the offering.  And his attempt to overturn the 2020 Presidential election by a mob at the Capitol and provide fake electors all constitute a more serious threat than Agnew's indictment charges.

Agnew did the right thing, Trump and his party, 51 years later should do the right thing for the country, the people and the party.  And most of all, in respect to what the Presidency stands for.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio


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