Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Recent College Protest, The Media and the GOP

 Protesting is not unusual or political because it is grounded in the Constitution.  There are rules of course, protest have to be peaceful.  If they are not, then law enforcement must step in to end the protest.  Political action is not needed to handle the actual violence.  If there are good reasons for laws to be changed, then a political solution is necessary.

The recent college protest concerning the Israel/Hamas conflict is a good example how politics got involved unnecessarily along with the media.  Both claimed that the protesting was anti-semitism.  But what was being protested was Israel's killing of Palestinian families and children, property destruction including hospitals and the humanitarian needs of Gaza that the conflict exposed.

Any protest that was not peaceful could have been taken care of by the University with the cooperation of law enforcement who had the legal right to act.  That is actually what took place at one time but politics and the media had to jump the gun and create a scene.  The GOP even threatened to hold hearings on the protesting.  That is the same group who supported Trump's mob on January 6 to overturn the 2020 Presidential election and prevent the peaceful transfer of power to the newly elected President Joe Biden.  

The recent college protest never came close to what took place on January 6 and the GOP controlled House speaker refused to appoint any republican to serve on the January 6 committee.  Politics and the media are only interested in their own little world of misinformation and over reaction.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio 

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