Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Did Donald Trump Visit New Orleans To Raise Money For His Campaign Or His Legal Bills?

 A New Orleans Advocate article in Tuesday's edition tells us that Trump was in New Orleans on Monday and raised $5 million at the uptown New Orleans home of Boysie Bollinger, a major republican fundraiser in Louisiana.  Louisiana's U.S. Senator John Kennedy, Governor Jeff Landry and Louisiana's representative Steve Scalise were there in support of Trump and the fundraiser.  It has been reported that Trump has used fundraising to pay his legal bills in connection with his indictments and trials.

The event was a sad day for the state and city having a convicted criminal come calling for money and some elected officials and willing contributors support such a person for the Presidency.  The article noted there were some pro Trump and anti Trump protesters near the site expressing their thoughts, but no problems resulted.  Tyler Bridges, the author of the article displayed how the media continues to enable criminal Trump when he made a comment completely unrelated to the event when he said and I quote, "Biden also suffered a legal blow when a jury in Delaware convicted his son Hunter Biden two weeks ago of lying about his drug use on a federal background check form."  That was a legal blow to Hunter and not the President as Bridges suggest.  Hunter Biden is a grown man, does not hold public office and is responsible for his own actions.

The last sentence of the article ends with these words.  " An 8 year old boy nearby holding a sign.  It read, Love, not hate."  That sign tells the story of Trump's corruptive life.  There is no love to anything Trump touches because he, himself is toxic.  This writer believes Louisiana and America the Beautiful, should reject a Presidential nominee whose resume includes a convicted criminal, sexual abuser, fraudster and former President who attempted to overturn the 2020 Presidential election and prevent the peaceful transfer of power and who still faces multiple indictments and trials.  The people should also reject the notion, that kind of behavior is the NORM for political office. 

This commentary written by Joe Lorio


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