Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Presidential Debate That Never Was: It Was Another First For PolitiDose Commentary On The Subject.

 Thursday night's Presidential debate was the subject of three PolitiDose commentary dated, May18, June 1, and June 14 and why Presidential debates are useless and unnecessary, especially this debate between Criminal Trump and President Biden because Trump will lie about everything, both have a record, already on RECORD and it is impossible to debate a serial liar.  And sure enough, PolitiDose commentaries were right on target.

After the debate, pundits in the media displayed their ignorance with their comments about the President's performance, but as usual said nothing about Trump's lies all thru the debate.  The media attacked Biden for not responding boldly to Trump's lies about January 6 even though the President has been doing so in a forceful manner since he took office three and half years ago and in a public way to Trump's attempt to overturn the 2020 Presidential election.  Does any one think the President, in a debate with only one minute allowed to reply needs to affirm his position he has taken since day one?

CNN took itself off the hook when they refused to counter any of Trump's lies.  The media in general has taken the same position since Trump's actions on January 6.  In fact, it is safe to say that a large segment of the main street media has joined the conservative media in becoming Trump's patsy, surrogate and enabler.  They failed the simple test of accepting that Trump, a serial liar, convicted criminal, sexual abuser, fraudster and a former President who tried to overturn a Presidential election is unfit for any political office and unfit to be invited to any political debate.  

The bottom line tells us that on President Biden's worse day, he is still the best man and most qualified nominee to be re-elected.  And he has the real RECORD  of performance that can be backed up by FACTS.  A ninety minute false debating show is not a defining moment like the media would like the pubic to believe.  Long ago this writer expressed the opinion that the President would not run for reelection, not because of age, but because it is time to turn to a new generation of capable democratic leaders that are available now.  The President has accomplished much for the country and its people since the disaster of the Trump years and will end his term in office as a winner who cared for democracy, the country and its people.  

The media who created Trump and the negative voices have been on the wrong side of America the Beautiful and the positive accomplishments that have taken place on President Biden's watch.  All should remember the wise words of the Sumerians, who over 6000 years ago said they were taught, "The Key to a better future is learning from and understanding the failures of the past."

And 6000 years later, that is the key in the November Presidential election.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio   

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