Thursday, December 31, 2015

Drew Brees And His Self Serving Statements

In a Times Picayune article dated 12/30/15 titled, "Brees Confident He, Payton Will Be Back For 2016" written by Larry Holder and Christopher Dabe allude to an interview Brees gave to the NFL Network in which he said, " he did not see any scenario where he or Payton would not be back next year."  That is a self serving statement that Brees has no control over if management has other ideas.

Brees also said, "I think we, a plan was put in place throughout last off season as to how we were going to build a foundation which to make a run at it in the future."  That statement contradicts what Brees has been saying for the last few years when he said more than once the foundation was already there.  Now he says they just started the foundation last off season.

It was also mentioned in the article Brees feels like the Saints have great character and leadership.  After the end of last season Payton and several players said the Saints lacked leadership.  (sports writers in New Orleans should remember that.)  This writer has a hard time finding any positive change in the team since last season.  With one game left to play the Saints can not improve on last years won-loss record of 7-9.  Former Saints coach Jim Mora's famous coulda, woulda, shoulda is a good description of this Saints team since bounty gate.

The echos of bounty gate continue:  We have the players, we have the foundation, we are all professionals, we know our jobs, we have good young players and etc, etc and etc.  Still, there has been no progress over the last four seasons.  Self serving statements are the foundation for failure.  When you can not walk the talk, one should remain silent.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Paul Krugman, Economist And Editorial Writer For The New York Times Confirms Once Again, What Was Published Much Earlier In "PolitiDose"

In two recent editorials published in the Times Picayune dated 12/22 and 12/29 titled, "Republicans paved the way for Trump" and "Trumps absurdisms camouflage GOP extremism, Krugman points out what "PolitiDose" has been saying about Trump since he announced he was entering the republican Presidential race, that is the republican party created Trump and is responsible for the atmosphere Trump works in.

Krugman also points out how those republican candidates who are proposing tax cuts for the wealthy as George W.Bush did would be out of favor (because its harder than ever to claim tax cuts are the key to prosperity.) because they failed the economy, job creation, balancing the federal budget and etc.  Ditto those same republican candidates would pursue the Bush foreign policy in the middle east.  That also has been covered in "PolitiDose" many times over.  Krugman also pointed out there are no moderates in the republican primary.

Paul Krugman is no pundit who goes with the republican talking points like so many journalists do.  He and E.J. Dionne are two of the best informed writers concerning political facts, truths and substance.  "PolitiDose" has been right there with them and on many occasions was the first to report the real story to its readers.  Stay tuned, there will be more republican extremism coming out of the republican candidates as the campaign moves closer to the primaries.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Louisiana's School Voucher Program: Can It Really Be Called A Success?

Governor Bobby Jindal has been talking about the success of the state's school voucher program which has been reported on TV and in the newspaper.  The program covers low income students to qualify for such aid who attend troubled and failing public schools.

According to a New Orleans Advocate report dated 12/27/15 the program this year will cost the state $42 million and cover approximately 7,000 students.  How can a program that cost that much money and serve 7000 students be a success when it only kicks in when public schools fail?  The answer is for the state and local governments to make sure the public school system does not fail.  If the state can find $42 million for vouchers, that money should be used instead to correct the failing public schools.  Instead it is being used to support private and religious schools.

Elected officials like to talk a good game about successful programs but in the case concerning vouchers, it does not correct the problem of failing public schools.  This writer has never heard Jindal mention if those failing schools are on their way to success so vouchers will not have to be used in the future.  The Advocate story was silent on that issue.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, December 26, 2015

What Will The New Year Bring Politically At The National Level

President Obama will serve his last full year in office in 2016 and the nation will elect a new President in November of that same year.  The President kept his word when he promised not to be a lame duck President in his final two years in office.  Congress invented the term in order to wound who ever is President at the time, but Obama had other ideas about taking care of the nations business.

The President's top priority in the new year will be to keep America and its people safe both at home and abroad and he has done a good job of doing just so.  A continued improvement in the economy, jobs, lower unemployment, reducing the federal deficit and improving the quality of life for the people is a must do thing.  We dare not go back to those failed policies of the past.

Will the republican Presidential candidates debates and their campaign of 2015 repeat its circus atmosphere in 2016 when the primaries start and will they continue to push the personal attack persona that they are noted for instead of offering solutions and taking a position on the issues.  The party is stuck in the past and therefore for them the future will be like the failed past.  That is not a way to move America forward.

The Presidential candidates of both parties need to tell the people in 2016 they will continue the progress that has been made since the 2008 republican economic collapse and what they will do to make that progress even stronger.  Reversing the accomplishments of President Obama is not an acceptable policy for the country or its people.  Successful policies need to be embraced, expanded and improved on.  And the candidates need to spell out how they would pay for their policy decisions if it means higher spending.

The voters in the new year of 2016 will have to decide if they want to elect a serious candidate who outlines a serious workable plan to deal with the future needs of the country and its people.  That plan will have to look like the future to avoid the mistakes of the failed past.

As of this writing the democratic Presidential candidates are the only candidates who fit the "serious" description in this writers judgement.  And it is my hope that in the new year of 2016 this generation can say it learned from the mistakes of the past and created a great future for the country and its people by electing a President who has political understanding.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The Detroit Lions 35 The New Orleans Saints 27

The Lions roared in the Dome on Monday night, got down to business quickly and sent the Saints down with their ninth loss of the season.  The Saints will now end the regular season with a losing record, their second year in a row and 3rd. in the last 4 years.  It was another defeat at home to an opponent that entered the game with a worse won-loss record than the Saints.

Payton, some team players and some New Orleans sports writers were beginning to talk positive about the Saints defense under Allen but Detroit proved one should not jump to conclusions until a record is established.  The Lions scored 5 touchdowns even though they ran 20 less plays than the Saints.

The scars of "bounty gate" are still noticeable and the talk of playing for "pride" has become a fairy tale.  No Saint coach or player are earning their salary.  Brees continues to break records while Tom Brady and other quarter backs continue to do more for their team than Brees does for his team.  Payton has lost control of his team and whats expected from a head coach.  The latest example happened at the end of the second quarter on Monday night's game when the Saints completely lost it and came away with 0 points after having first and goal from the Lions one yard line

Continuity, togetherness, the team concept, the swagger, confidence, professionalism, all that ended with "bounty gate" season of 2012 as explained here in "PolitiDose" at the time.  Those qualities are still lost and will not return to the Saints under Sean Payton's leadership.

Management needs to make a change at the end of the season.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, December 20, 2015

The Democratic Presidential Debate: A Broader Dialog On Subjects That Matter

Saturday's democratic debate covered national security, ISIS, the middle least, foreign policy, the economy, jobs, the ACA, gun control, the minimum wage, median income wage and Wall Street.  ABC's moderators for the most part kept the debate on track.  Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Mark O'Malley stood their ground and were specific concerning most of the issues.

O'Malley came out swinging in the beginning.  His poll numbers remained low going into the debate so his approach was different than the last time.  Clinton and Sanders performed well this writer thought and the debate probably will not move the poll numbers a great deal.  All three candidates helped themselves and offered a clear distinction from the republican Presidential candidates.

The moderators did not touch immigration reform for good reason.  Like "PolitiDose" they realized the republican candidates have taken the issue off the table until after the 2016 elections and the people know where the democratic candidates stand on the issue.  The republican debates waste time on the issue so less time is spent on the real issues facing America and its people.  That is the way the republicans want it.

One of the ABC moderators tried a "got you" question on Clinton when she asked Clinton if she took responsibility for the problems left in Libya after Gadhafi was overthrown.  It was a silly question at best since it is the President who sets foreign policy and not the secretary of state.  If one follows the moderators thoughts credit would be given to Clinton for bringing Bin Laden to justice since she was secretary of state at the time it happened and she was even in the situation room with the President and his advisers at the time.  Clinton handled the question well.

None of the debaters ran away from the President's record and Sanders pointed out the people are better off today than they were 8 years ago.  Sanders, Clinton and O'Malley also did not use fear as a political tool to gain possible votes like the republicans do.  The moderators spent to much time on ISIS and tried their best to interject fear in the debate but the candidates did not take the bait.

Who ever wins the democratic Presidential nomination will be far superior to any nominee the republicans choose.  The democrats have a better take and understanding concerning the problems and solutions facing the country and its people.  The debates have already settled that.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, December 17, 2015

The State Of Louisiana: What Will The New Year Bring Politically

The wisdom to learn from the mistakes of the past for a better future for Louisiana and its people or a repeat of past mistakes.  A triple history will take place in January and play out for the next four years.  A new year will begin in 2016, Bobby Jindal will be leaving office and democrat John Bel Edwards will become Louisiana's next governor.  Six thousand years ago the worlds very first civilization, that of the Sumerians said they were taught that the key to a better future was to understanding the mistakes of the past.

Will Louisiana under the new leadership of governor Edwards follow that wisdom that was written down so long ago?  This writer believes Edwards will and has started off well with his first appointments.  The appointment of a republican to lead the Administration shows Edwards will keep his word and will not govern by dividing people.  Having served in the state legislature, Edwards should be well aware of the past mistakes made in the last 8 years and Louisiana's future should not look like the past.

The new governor will be looking at some tough decisions.  Bringing order and change to the state's fiscal house will be huge.  Unemployment in the state is too high and not enough jobs are being created.  Past budget cuts to education and other needed services for the people will have to be addressed in a positive way.  Those issues can only be affected by sound policy that speak to the heart of the matter and not by ideology.  We have been there and done that with a conservative ideology and it did not work.

Those first policy decisions will be important because it will set the agenda for the next four years and beyond.  Most government problems are long term and require long term solutions.  Louisiana is at the bottom of the list or near the bottom of all 50 states in poverty, health care and many other issues that can not change over night.  But the right policy can put the state on a future path to positive change for the people and the quality of life.

Governor elect Edwards will be sworn into office at a critical time and the republican controlled legislature has to step up to the plate and work with his policy agenda to move the state and its people forward.  They gave that courtesy to Jindal and should have the character and courage to extend that courtesy to and work with governor Edwards.

And yes, understanding the past is still the key to a better future.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The Fifth Republican Presidential Debate: CNN And The Republican Candidates Try To Keep The Illusion Alive.

Wolf Blitzer, the lead moderator in Tuesday's debate framed his questions concerning Terrorism as if the American people were living in fear of a terrorist attack and of course the candidates responded with their own fear as if ISIS has already attacked the United States.  The total debate was all about foreign policy, ISIS and immigration.

Illusion was all over the debate stage and it all rang hollow.  President Obama has kept America safe despite the republican illusion and ISIS has been weakened in Iraq and Syria and continue to lose territory there.  In fact the candidates said they would do the same thing the President has been doing to fight ISIS, that is lead a coalition.  They rightly made a fool of themselves on ISIS and foreign policy.  The illusion can't change the fact that President Obama has kept America and its people safe.  And that still chaps them.

The debaters were so confused on foreign policy and terrorists they had to fall back on old reliable President Reagan.  They then made things worse by trying to compare communism and terrorists.  However, illusion about Reagan's handling of terrorists  has also been exposed and laid bare.   The planners of the terror attack on the Marine compound in Lebanon that killed 241 Marines were never brought to justice by the Reagan administration.  It was the same President Reagan who sold military arms to Iran, (a terrorists nation at the time) in the Iran-Contra affair.

The republican candidates are still running against President Obama although he will not be on the ballot and Hillary Clinton who may be.  Their names were mentioned many times during the debate.  That is good for voters who follow the facts because both the President and Hillary have accomplished more for the country than all the candidates on the debate stage combined.  

Governor Chris Christie showed the people he is not ready to be President when he said he would shoot down a Russian plane that violated a no fly zone if one was in effect.  Presidents have procedures that they go through when such an event happens and do not shoot from the hip.  Christie's position is a dangerous one.

The one thing that was not an illusion in the debate was the fact that the candidates, with the exception of Rand Paul are more than willing to make the same mistakes again in the middle east as their republican predecessors and that cost America the unnecessary loss of human life.  President Obama's foreign policies are working despite the republican and CNN's illusions and this writer does not plan to live in fear, republican style.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio   

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Is It Gun Control Or Is It Crime Control

Home grown mass murder attacks in America have become common.  Foreign directed terrorists attacks in America have not.  Both however are crimes defined by our criminal justice system and both involve weapons.  Gun control is mentioned after every attack by those who both support and oppose that so called answer.  Each group expresses the reasons they support or oppose such gun control.

The answer is Crime Control and what works best at stopping mass murder regardless if domestic or foreign directed.  The Brady Bill that was supported and passed during the Clinton administration banned assault weapons.  Police chiefs all over America supported the bill and after being in effect for many years testified that it worked.  They should know, right?  The George W. Bush administration let the Brady Bill expire and assault weapons have been back on the streets and continue to kill innocent people.  There was no good reason for Bush to let the bill expire because it controlled crime.  The NRA of course pushed to let a successful law expire.  For that action, the future became like the past.

In the recent mass murders in San Bernardino the FBI reported they discovered a massive catch of guns, rifles, ammo and other explosive devises that the two shooters stockpiled and purchased legally.  Does any one really believe civilians should be able to legally purchase such a great quantity of weapons and ammo.  Those laws should be shut down and closed in favor of crime control.  Any one purchasing large quantities of such weapons are sure not doing so for self protection.

Crime control is having laws that effectively address the problem of the proliferation of weapons that go beyond self protection and legitimate hunting.  Automatic weapons and semi automatic weapons with large clips of ammo should be covered by laws with teeth where city, state and federal law enforcement agents have knowledge about the purchaser in order to prevent a future crime.

Crime control to protect innocent Americans from domestic or foreign attack is not only necessary but one and the same.  The American people have always accepted the hardships and responsibility that go along with keeping the people and the country safe.  The frequency of innocent Americans being killed has to come to an end and effective crime control has to take place.  Gun control does not describe the problem or the answer, crime control does.  It also takes care of the gun control issue.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

America was Not Built On Fear, America Was Built On Courage, On Imagination And An Unbeatable Determination To Do The Job At Hand.

Those words were spoken by President Harry Truman and was one of the many sayings by him that defined what his Presidency was all about.  President Truman's wisdom and courage stands in stark contrast to the leaders of today's republican party, especially those seeking the republican Presidential nomination.  They use fear as a political tactic to frighten the American people to gain votes and damage President Obama.

Fear, republican style, is part of their conservative ideology that is ugly and unAmerican which this writer commented on in "PolitiDose" early on.  Trump who is no conservative, is the worst out of the bunch because he follows the republican line on scare tactics and would say anything to gain attention.  His rhetoric on terrorists is just that, talk, and cheap talk at that.

Both John McCain and Mitt Romney tried to play the fear card in 2008 and 2012 when they ran against Obama and both failed.  Trump and his republican opponents have displayed their lack of understanding the basic value of American character and courage.

Real leaders in America have always possessed those qualities.   And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The Preseason Coach's Poll Concerning LSU Turned Out To Be Correct.

The poll placed LSU out side the the top 10 teams predicted and that is exactly where LSU ended up at the end of the regular season.  One New Orleans sports writer thought the coach's poll was wrong and that LSU would end up in the play offs.

This writer suggested in a "PolitiDose" commentary three reasons why the poll picked LSU to finish out side the top 10 and all three reasons contributed to LSU's dismal season and the way they finished, losing three of their last four games.  Les Miles will still be LSU's head coach for the near future and this writer believes there will be no change in Miles philosophy of using a 20th century offense to compete in a 21st century offensive change that is ever growing.

Miles has yet to embrace the change after 11 years as head coach and is not likely to do so.  The long term contract given to Miles and others is not in the best interest of LSU and college football.  The game is changing so quickly and there are so many good young coaches out there more in tune with change to negate the need of long term contracts that are no incentive for a coach to change especially with the millions of dollars involved in buy outs.

The LSU people involved in Miles long term contract have failed their obligation to the school and the team.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, December 6, 2015

The U.S. Economy Continues To Create Jobs

The U.S. Labor Department announced that 211,000 new jobs were created in November and the unemployment rate held steady at 5%.  It was the 69th straight month of positive job creation despite the opposition by the republicans in congress to the President's plans to put America back to work.  The unemployment rate when President George W. Bush left office was 7.8%

The latest unemployment rate for Louisiana released by the Louisiana Workforce Commission was for October and came in at 6.2%, up from 6% the previous month.  When Jindal took office the Louisiana unemployment rate was 3.8%  Louisiana has not enjoyed the lower unemployment rate that has taken place nationally, but take heart Louisiana, that will change for the better with democratic governor elect John Bel Edwards on the job.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Britain To Join Air Campaign Against ISIS/ISIL In Syria

The British Parliament gave Prime Minister Cameron the authority he sought to begin air attacks against ISIS/ISIL in Syria.  The decision will allow Britain to join America, France and Russia to expand the air war in Syria and Iraq.  America is seeking Germany support to join the coalition.

Prior to the terror attack on Paris, America carried out over 90% of the air war against ISIS/ISIL in Syria and 2/3rd. of the air war in Iraq.  Now with a larger coalition and better coordination, more frequent attacks can be made on a timely basis.  Middle eastern ground troops supporting the coalition air strikes with guidance of American special operation forces will speed up the fight against the terrorists to bring about their demise and their ability to threaten the world.

Those American voices who are still clamoring for 40,000 U.S. troops on the ground in Iraq and Syria in a daily combat role need to get a life and support the President.  As for the republican Presidential candidates are concerned, they have no serious thoughts on the middle east, only the same failed policies of the past.

It took a terror attack on Paris to bring France and Britain into the coalition in a positive way.  That experience should unite the coalition in a special way that will offer a united front against terrorists threats that have become so common in the 21st. century.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The New Orleans Saints: The Effects Of Bounty Gate Has Been Cumulative and May Even Be Irreversible

The Saints third straight loss Sunday at Houston against a team New Orleans sports writers described as a weak part of the schedule was a reminder just how far the Saint's football team has sank along with the coaching staff.  This is the fourth season since Payton sat out because of bounty gate and there has been no progress.

Everyone should remember what the players and coaches said:  We are professionals;  we know our job;  we know how to win;  all we have to do is do our job.  Yeah, right, it never happened and the coaches and players are still giving out the same excuses.  The bottom line is the players and coaches are not earning their big salaries.  And all are still in denial for the reasons why, bounty gate.  New Orleans sports writers never saw it coming because they are too busy writing about hype and cliches and refused to be objective in their reporting.

Saint management, the coaching staff and the players have had enough time to make the right adjustments since bounty gate but failed big time.  The outlandish salaries those people make for not producing and having a good product on the field is a disgrace to the game.  But hey, fans still flock to the games and coaches and players are still given idol status.  The game is larger than life and the dollar rules.

Payton and Loomis will move on to some other franchise and the process will repeat itself.  No one will remember bounty gate and its effects except the readers of "PolitiDose."   And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Louisiana: Is The State Both Republican and Conservative Like The News Media and The Pundits Have Been Preaching?

What is the basic tenet behind that rhetoric and can the rationale be supported.  Does the state have to be controlled by a republican governor and republican legislature;  does the majority of the state's voters have to be registered republicans;  Is it just a political thing;  does the political history have any thing to do with it.

When is a state a conservative state.  Is it based on the political party running the state;  Is there a difference between an elected conservative politician and the average conservative voter;  Are elected office holders and voters really conservative just because they claim to be;  Is cutting the state budget a conservative act if it hurts the state and the people;  Are tax loopholes and special tax breaks for those who need them the least conservative.

Has the election of democrat John Bel Edwards turned the state democratic overnight.  The news media has already picked up the election results and put Louisiana back as a democratic state in the deep south.  This writer does not buy any of the news media hype of a republican state or conservative state.  Voter turn out has been less than 50% for many years now so who knows the mind of the majority of voters who stay home on election day.

Conservatism has been dead since the Newt Gingrich era started in the early 80's.  It has since been all right wing conservatism with extreme positions on every issue.  Does any one really believe Bobby Jindal is a real conservative?  If the people of Louisiana are real conservative why would they have voted for Jindal twice?

The state of Louisiana is what ever it is at the time.  Ditto its people.  Politically it will be democratic for the next four years.  We do not know what the mind set of the voters will be four years from now.  The first words out of a republican's mouth are usually, I'M A CONSERVATIVE.  The first words flashed on the screen at the Fox News Network is, FAIR AND BALANCED.  This writer believes you are what you are by your deeds and not by what you proclaim to be.

The same thing can be said about Louisiana and its people.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Democratic Louisiana Governor Elect John Bel Edwards Defeats Republican U.S. Senator David Vitter In Run Off Election

Louisiana state representative from Amite, John Bel Edwards became governor elect Saturday night with a smashing victory over David Vitter.  The decisive win by Edwards will put Louisiana, a deep south state in the democratic column on January 11, 2016.  The election of democrat Edwards proved the news media and the pundits all wrong in their predictions that Louisiana would remain a republican state like the rest of the south.

"PolitiDose" was one of the first, IF NOT THE FIRST news outlet to endorse Edwards and listed reasons why a democrat could win the state.  The news media and the pundits kept up a steady drum beat that Louisiana was a REPUBLICAN STATE AND A CONSERVATIVE STATE.  They were wrong on both counts and I will have a commentary on that matter coming soon, so stay tuned.

Julia O'Donoghue wrote an election article in the Times Picayune dated 11/22 concerning the election results.  She must be a conservative because she said Edwards came out of no where to take down a republican in a red state.  Really?????  She must have forgotten Edwards received 40% of the vote in the first primary and over 646,000 votes Saturday in the run off.  That does not sound like Edwards came out of no where.  Julia also said in the article that Edwards surprisingly attracted a number of endorsements including the Louisiana Sheriff's Association and the Louisiana State Troopers Association.  This writer was not surprised at all.

Mr. Edwards ran a positive campaign about the future of Louisiana and its people.  The republicans ran a campaign against each other and President Obama and a negative one at that which is par for conservatives and their party.  Jindal and the republican controlled state legislature is leaving governor elect Edwards a fiscal disaster to deal with much like George W. Bush left President Obama to deal with.  Don't look for the news media in Louisiana or the republican party to give Edwards the ample time needed to deal with the mess left to him.  One can tell by the narrative in Julia's article she is not happy with Louisiana becoming a blue state in January.

Governor elect Edwards will have a lot of tough work to do once he takes office and even before as he has already acknowledged.  But this writer feels Edwards will do what democrats do, that is take care of the people's business to move the state and its people forward.  The days of negativity and division will be gone when Edwards steps into the state capitol and the past should be a reminder our politics should never go there again.

Good luck and best wishes to governor elect Edwards as he attempts to create policy that will benefit the state and all its people.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Republican Party and Fox News Reaches A New Low.

If the republican party, several of their Presidential candidates and the Fox News network had their way one would think the terrorists attack on Paris actually took place in the United States and by Syrian immigrants.  That is the seed they have tried to plant in the minds of the American people.  It is the same concept taken by President Bush and VP Dick Cheney in blaming Saddam Hussein for the attack on America on 9/11/01.  Bush and Cheney went even farther by saying Saddam trained Al Queda terrorists which was false.

It is the same old scare tactics to harm the President and frighten the American people.  The leaders of France have done the opposite by telling the people to be vigilant but to go about their own lives.  France's President Hallonde even repeated that France would accept refugees.

The establishment of America was founded on courage, not fear, character, not slander and the American spirit, not a disturbed ideology.  The republican Presidential candidates, their party and Fox News have undermined America's spirit, courage and even the American Presidency with their inflammatory comments and right wing extreme pronouncements.

America is still the beautiful, the land of the free and the home of the brave.  It will remain that way as long as the people elect serious public servants and tune out those who try to undermine what has made America a great nation, a great people and the leader of the world.

This comment written by Joe Lorio

Friday, November 20, 2015

New Orleans Sports Writers Ron Higgins and Jeff Duncan: Out Of The Loop On LSU and Coach Les Miles

Ron Higgins comment in a Times Picayune article dated 11/20/15 concerning LSU's Loss to Notre Dame in last seasons Music City Bowl was a self serving statement.  Higgins is just now finding out that Miles' offensive play calling and selection is not good enough to compete with the top teams in the SEC and that Miles is from the old school.  Well lets see, Miles has been at LSU for 11 seasons and Higgins is just now understanding Miles problem.  This is the same Higgins who said LSU would beat Alabama this year and early on predicted LSU would throw to its tight ends more and have them more involved in the offense.  Yeah right, it did not happen.

Jeff Duncan in a Times Picayune article dated 7/31/15 took issue with a USA today Amway coaches pre season poll that ranked LSU 13.  Duncan took issue with the poll and said LSU was a prime candidate to be in the playoff position and that the poll did not give LSU enough respect.  This writer wrote a commentary here in "PolitiDose" dated 8/1/15 titled, LSU, Jeff Duncan and the preseason football poll and explained why ( 3 reasons) the coaches poll may have ranked LSU 13.

As of this date the coaches poll has been accurate.  The third reason this writer gave in the commentary should have been realized by sports writers long ago and all three reasons played a role in why LSU fell out of the top 10.  One has to remember, it is not how you start the season, its how you end it.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Bobby Jindal Did Not Suspend His Campaign For The Republican Presidential Nomination: The People Did.

It took the people of Louisiana 7 years to wise up to governor Bobby Jindal but the people out side of Louisiana where Jindal campaigned for the republican Presidential nomination, realized Jindal's lack of political understanding in just a few months and tuned his campaign out.  His poll numbers nationally are much worse then his poll numbers in Louisiana.

Jindal now has to stay in Louisiana and tell the people how he is going to deal with the $500 million deficit for this fiscal years budget which began on July 1 that Jindal and the republican controlled state legislature said was balanced.  Of course, everyone who reads "PolitiDose" should have known the budget was not balanced.  On the state level, Jindal's budgets mimic the federal budgets under republican administrations as no republican President has balanced the federal budget since President Eisenhower in 1960.  Yes, that is right 1960.

The Times Picayune who is backing David Vitter for governor has supported Jindal in the past and his budget cuts that have hurt higher education, health care and other services for the people.  Another republican governor is not the answer.  Jindal, Vitter and the Times Picayune deserve each other but the state and the people will do better with a democrat in the governor's office by the name of John Bel Edwards.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, November 19, 2015

The Terrorist Attacks On Paris and The Bombing Of A Russian Air Liner Brings A New Phase To The War Against ISIS

ISIS claimed responsibility for both the attacks on Paris and the bombing of a Russian air liner and both France and Russia responded with attacks on ISIS targets in Syria.  The United States supplied France with the intelligence on ISIS positions in Syria so those targets could be hit.  France said they are now at war with ISIS.  Russia's Putin said ISIS needs to be destroyed.

On another front, U.S. air power assisted Kurdish and Yazidi ground troops retake the city of Sinjar in northern Iraq from ISIS who had occupied the city for over a year.  They also cut off the main road ISIS used to travel between Iraq and Syria for moving their military supplies.  It was a major defeat for ISIS in a strategic location.

At home the attack on Paris woke up the republican chicken hawks to demand President Obama do more to fight ISIS and once again some want to see the President commit American ground troops in an active combat role.  And once again the President has ruled that out and rightly holds the position that the best solution on the ground is middle east countries to do the combat on the ground with American and coalition air support and special operations supervision.

If France, Russia and other military powers in Europe stay tuned with U.S. air power ISIS can be defeated and the key to keeping ISIS and Al Queda out falls to the middle east countries and their people's determination to stay with the fight.  Iraq and Syria are the big prize for ISIS and  their success because both of those countries were destabilized.  Iraq by the war and occupation over WMD that did not exist and Syria by their own civil war.  A country that is destabilized is raw meat for terrorists.

President Obama kept America safe with out putting large numbers of American troops in harms way on the ground in the middle east and his policies should be supported by his opponents and the American people.  He has made a commitment to fight terrorists and his administration has brought many of them to justice.

Some of the republican Presidential candidates are going off their rocker because of the terror attack in Paris.  They are using that tragic act to spread fear again in America and attack the President.  Their self proclaimed protector of America's national security has proved to be a fairy tale.  Jeb Bush wants American combat troops on the ground in Iraq and Syria in an active combat role.  That would ape what his brother George did in Iraq.  Elections bring out the worse in republicans.  Poor Jeb, he would do or say anything to get his poll numbers up.  After all, he was once thought of as the favorite for the republican nomination.

Hang in there Mr. President and give the republicans hell like President Truman did so effectively.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Washington Redskins 47 ------- The New Orleans Saints 14

The Saints loss to Washington on Sunday by 33 points was just another example how bounty gate is still the albatross around the Saints neck.  It was the fourth road loss out of the five road games they played so far.  The Redskins were dominate and shut the Saints out in the second half.

Some New Orleans sports writers said after the Saints won three straight games they could turn the corner and be above .500 because the weakest part of their schedule was coming up with the Titans, Redskins and Houston.  Well, instead, they loss the first two and will face Houston in two weeks.  It turns out that the Saints are the weak link.

To top the week end off Payton announced that defensive coordinator Rob Ryan was released.  Payton made a mistake when he hired Spangnuolo as defensive coordinator for the 2012 season and then fired him and by releasing Ryan he made his second mistake when he hired Ryan in the first place.  Payton now says the person he hired this season to work with Ryan, Dennis Allen will take over Ryan's responsibilities.  Evidently Allen was not much help to Ryan and Payton certainly was no help looking over Ryan's shoulder all year.

This writer has written several past commentary concerning "bounty gate" and how it has affected the team and the coaches.  The problems are still there and the players and coaches are having problems with each other.  It shows on the sidelines.  The Saints regular season record since the "bounty gate" season of 2012 including the first 10 games this year is 29-29.  That is over three full seasons and there has been little progress.

Saint fans need to remember, Payton presided over "bounty gate" and what has happened since.  The sports writers in New Orleans can't seem to comprehend that.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Plaquemine Parish Council Reverses Its Stand On Wetlands Lawsuit Against The Oil Industry.

The Plaquemine Parish council voted to drop the 21 law suits it authorized against the oil, natural gas and pipeline companies over the destruction of wetlands and other environmental damage caused by their exploration and production.  The law suits were previously authorized by the council in 2012.  The Times Picayune carried the story in an article dated 11/13/15.

Chris John, President of the Mid Continent Oil and Gas Association said he was proud of the council's vote to drop the suit.  "PolitiDose" has made commentary on John's position in the past.  He is a mouthpiece for the oil and gas industry and thinks the industry can destroy the environment all it wants too because they pay taxes.  John and his group also opposed the moratorium on Gulf drilling after the BP blow out and explosion that killed 11 rig workers.

The council's vote indicates they want the BP fines to pay for the environmental damage done by the oil companies named in the suit.  That is also John's position.  President Obama stood tall and made sure BP was held accountable for their actions.  He put the people and the environment first.  The council put the oil and gas industry first with their vote and told the state and its people to go to hell.  And Chris John praised their decision.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, November 14, 2015

More Reasons To Elect Democrat John Bel Edwards Louisiana's Next Governor

U.S. Senator David Vitter by his ads and pronouncements is running a campaign for governor against President Obama, not candidate Edwards.  So in reality Edwards is unopposed and by Vitter's own choice.  Vitter sticks to the republican script of being void of policy and is betting that Louisiana's voters will fall for his failure to articulate any knowledge of the problems Louisiana faces when Jindal departs.

Vitter's many years in congress is not an asset to run Louisiana's government nor does he have the everyday knowledge that Edwards has to understand just how bad Jindal has managed the state.  The best examples are Louisiana's huge fiscal problem with the state budget, health care, education and diminished state revenue.

It is known that Vitter wants to finish his political career as governor of Louisiana, but that is really not a reason for being a serious public servant.  That quality has already escaped him while serving in congress.  Skipping most of the debates that took place before the first primary vote indicates an arrogance toward the people's right to know where he stands on the issues. Vitter really just wants a place to hang his hat until he retires.

Democratic representative John Bel Edwards is well aware of the challenges facing the next governor and has articulated his position on policy that he would pursue if elected.  His time is spent in Louisiana and in the state legislature, the best way to really know what is taking place in state government.  Electing Edwards Louisiana's next governor on November 21 is the best way to move Louisiana and its people forward for a better future.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The Fourth Republican Presidential Debate

The republicans Presidential debate Tuesday night saw less candidates on the stage and three new moderators but no new questions of any significance.  Fox business news sponsored the debate but this writer has never been impressed with Fox's business judgement.

The news media said Jeb Bush redeemed himself after his last debate performance.  He has been their favorite since the beginning.  In my judgement Ohio Governor John Kasich won the debate because his answers were of substance.  His opponents position on the economy, tax cuts, jobs and the national debt are the same as President George W. Bush and America knows where that led too.

Kasich pointed out during the debate what he has said from day one, his opponents tax plans are nonsense and you can not deport 11 million immigrants in a humane manner.  He also did more than just hold his own on foreign policy in the middle east.  His opponents would basically revert to President Bush's middle east policies.  The moderators threw candy to the republicans when they asked how they would create jobs and reduce the national debt.  Of course they received no answer on the subject because the republican party's record on those two issues has been a disaster.

The moderators also wasted time on the immigration issue as the republican party will not take up the issue in congress until after the 2016 election.  Does any one really believe that what the candidates are saying today will be the same after the election?  Besides they are only talking about only one part of immigration.

All 8 candidates said they would not raise the minimum wage to $15 hour and indicated that would cost the economy jobs.  There are no stats to back that up and is one of many fairy tales of the republican party in general and conservatives in particular.  This writer had a good laugh when Rand Paul told Rubio he was not conservative enough.  These guys just can not stand to be Americans first.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Happy 240th Birthday To The United States Marine Corps

Happy Birthday Marines and to all those that ever wore the eagle, globe and anchor.  To those Marines serving around the globe and in harms way we ask the Supreme Commandant to keep you safe and allow you a safe return home to your family and loved ones.

240 proud years of Marine history where commitment, honor and duty have been the hallmark of Marines everywhere.  The discipline learned in Boot Camp is embedded in the corps motto, Once A Marine, Always A Marine.  So on this special day we remember our brother Marines and wish them well and good health.


Semper Fidelis

Joe Lorio

Sunday, November 8, 2015

George Will Puts Bill O'Reilly Down Where He Belongs

First it was Donald Trump who destroyed Reagan's 11th commandment of not speaking ill of a fellow republican which is the reason the republican Presidential campaign is in such a funk.  Conservative journalists usually do not speak ill of their fellow conservative journalists but now comes George Will the conservative journalist for the Washington Post in a Times Picayune article dated 11/7/15 titled, "Slandering Reagan:  The Assault That Defamed a Presidency" said Bill O'Reilly's book, Killing Reagan distorts Reagan's Presidency.

Will takes a shot at O'Reilly styling himself as an investigative historian and then points out O'Reilly's conclusions about Reagan that do not square with the facts.  Will also hits O'Reilly's use of flimsy evidence in the book.  Will ended the article by saying, "the book should come with a warning:  CAUTION:  You are about to enter a no-facts zone.

"PolitiDose" long ago said the Bill O'Reilly show was the biggest spin zone in television.  Now George Will confirms that because a no-fact zone is the same as a spin zone.  And of course the Fox News Network is the biggest spin zone in cable TV.  Will is right on target concerning O'Reilly who is not really a journalist but try's to play the role when ever he thinks it is necessary.

O'Reilly is one of many who claim they are conservative but really are not.  They are extremist with an agenda which define themselves as being elite.  George Will's article did a good job in defining O'Reilly as a person who lives and writes in the spin zone.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, November 7, 2015

The U.S. Economy Continues Its March Forward As The Unemployment Rate Falls

The U.S. Labor Department reported the U.S. economy created 271,000 new jobs in October, the 68th straight month of positive job growth.  The unemployment rate came in at 5% down from the 5.1% in September.  In a separate notice the Department reported that claims for unemployment insurance are near the historical lows.

The unemployment rate of 5% was the lowest since April of 2008.  When President George W. Bush left office in January of 2009 it was 7.8% which was up from the 4.2% when he took office.  The 5% rate is a dramatic turn around from what happened during the previous republican administration.  The President needs to continue to push congress to pass his proposals that will keep the economy and job creation moving forward.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Bush 41, Bush 43, Jeb, Cheney, Rumsfeld, The News Media And A New Book

The news media jumped on the story of a new book about former President George H. W. Bush and what he thought about two top members of his son's administration, V.P. Dick Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.  The book alleges that the elder Bush used the words iron ass, hawkish, arrogant and etc., to describe Cheney and Rumsfeld.  That Cheney had his own empire and that neither served President George W. Bush well.  As a result "W", Jeb, Cheney and Rumsfeld all came back with their rebuttal.

The news media tried to make the story some thing it was not.  In fact it was a non news story because the people and the country was exposed too and lived through the lies of President George W. Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld.  The real story is why did the elder Bush wait so long to express his anger.  Maybe, just maybe he could have prevented an unnecessary war in Iraq over WMD that did not exist had he spoken up at the time.  The fact is "W" was arrogant also but no father would ever say that about his son.

When the book comes out about the elder Bush for the public to read the people will be able to judge for themselves if the former President's words were meant to rewrite the history of his son's administration.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Another Huge, Huge First For PolitiDose

Paul Krugman, the noted Political Science Professor and Economist in a Times Picayune opinion column of 11/4/15 titled, "Economy has performed better under Democrat Presidents - but why" follows what Hillary Clinton said during the first democratic Presidential debate.  Krugman quotes a paper by economists Alan Blinder and Mark Watson comparing economic performance by democratic and republican Presidents since 1947.

Their findings were:  Under democratic Presidents the economy grew 4.35% per year and under republican Presidents it grew 2.54%.  Over the whole period the economy was in recession for 49 quarters and democrats held the White House during only 8 of those quarters.  Democrats also performed better on oil prices and technological progress.  Krugman asked why is the democratic record much better and answered, "we don't know."

But the answer can be found here in "PolitiDose" in a three part commentary plus recap titled, The U. S. Economy:  Which Party Performs Best dated 1/27/2008 seven years prior to Hillary's comment and Krugman's article.  The three part series explains why and lays it all out and goes much further and shows how democrats also control deficit spending and the national debt better than republicans, something Krugman never touched upon.

Yes, the economy indeed does better on the democratic watch, so does balanced budgets, controlling federal spending, deficit spending and the national debt.  Job creation is a democratic thing where republicans trail badly.  For related article on this commentary see Note 1 below.

And once again you read it here first in "PolitiDose" your daily dose of political commentary.

Note 1:     Job Creation for Presidential Terms  1929-2008  dated 11/5/2010
                The National Debt:  Betrayal and Devastation       dated 11/6/2009
                Federal Spending:  Facts vs. Myth                        dated 10/31/2009
               The Republican Trademark: High Oil and Gas Prices    dated 5/16/2008

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Speaker Of The U.S. House Paul Ryan: What The People Do Know About His Ideology

Paul Ryan will not allow the House to take up the issue of immigration reform until after the 2016 elections.  Ditto family leave and the minimum wage.  He wants to privatize social security and medicare.  He still wants a tax structure that benefits the wealthy and corporate America.  The same plan he put forward when he was Romney's Vice Presidential running mate in 2012.

If all of that sounds familiar its because we have had that debate already and President Obama and the democratic party has rejected that ideology.  So have the American people when they elected the President twice.  Ryan has demonstrated by his actions he believes in the conservative ideology that republicans should be allowed to run the country when they lose elections to democrats.  I would say that their understanding of democracy is warped.

Yes, time will be the factor that defines Ryan's career as speaker of the House and going in his ideology is more aligned with the tea party.  Will his opposition to President Obama's policies continue the dysfunction of the U.S. House on Ryan's watch.  Stay tuned, "PolitiDose" will offer the answers in due time.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Republican Presidential Candidates and The Republican Party Are In Turmoil.

The Republican Presidential debates have been a disaster three times.  After the last one they blamed CNBC, the moderators and the republican national committee.  The candidates are even talking about making their own plans for future debates.  And to top it off, Carson and Trump are still on top and going strong while the republican party's political elite are struggling.

Jeb Bush has been doing so poorly the Bush clan and their advisers met recently in Houston to try and make sense of what is taking place.  The elder President Bush does not understand the personal attacks taken place among the republican candidates and especially those about his son Jeb.  The news media in general are making wild guesses as to what is going on in the republican party.  Well, "PolitiDose" explained what is going on for all its readers some time ago.  Personal attacks by republicans against democrats is SOP for the GOP and it started with Newt Gingrich and continues this day.  But along came Donald Trump, a non politician who turned the tables on his own party by using the republican tactic to attack his republican opponents and they can not take it.  They are flat out of a response.

The elder President Bush used personal attacks against Michael Dukakis when they ran for President but now republican candidates are attacking his son Jeb and he says he does not understand.  Of course he really does.To make sense of the problem of the debates one has to know and understand the candidates and the party's ideology.You can not debate the issues when you have no record of accomplishments.  Their tax plan clearly show they still do not understand arithmetic.  The same Word that haunted Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan during the 2012 election.  Vice President Joe Biden really explained that in his debate with Ryan and Ryan had no rebuttal.  And now the republican candidates are opposing any questions from the moderators and some have suggested the likes of Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh moderate the debates.  In other words throw me some candy.

The candidates have been stung so hard by Trump they are taking it out on each other and the moderators.  One man, Donald Trump has exposed the real GOP problems and the originator was the GOP itself.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, November 1, 2015

The U.S. House Passes A Two Year Budget

The House finally passed a two year budget that will prevent a government shut down that some republicans wanted.  The vote was 266-167.  Although the republicans control the House the minority democratic vote carried the day as all democrats voted for the measure.  It was opposed by 167 republicans.  House speaker John Boehner can go out now on a positive note.

Once again "PolitiDose" was on target in a previous commentary in pointing out that meaningful legislation could have been passed by Boehner and the House with the democratic vote if Boehner would not have caved in to the tea party's extreme right wing attitude.  They could have passed immigration reform and the highway bill to repair the nations infrastructure that was passed by the democratic controlled Senate.  Those two bills were passed over two years ago by the Senate.

The U.S. Senate also passed the two year budget and the President will sign it into law.  Finally, the issue will be off the table and the people will have an opportunity to see how the U.S. House acts in the future under the new speaker Paul Ryan.  Time will tell.  Although Boehner's last act in the House was a personal triumph for himself he let the country and its people down most of his time as speaker of the House.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Walgreens Buys Out Rival Rite Aid

The largest drug store chain, Walgreens, with over 13,000 stores world wide is buying Rite Aid, the third largest drug chain world wide with over 4,000 stores for a reported $9.41 billion.  They are the first and third largest based on the number of stores operated.

The Associated Press in their report indicated the deal would allow Walgreens more buying power that would result in lower prices to Walgreens customers.  But this writer says don't bet on it and the rosy picture Walgreens is trying to paint.  History tells us this buy out is for the purpose of eliminating competition and the opportunity to control prices, especially the prices on prescription drugs.

After the buy out is finalized, Walgreens in due time will start closing some of its own stores and Rite Aid stores and laying off employees.  That is what large buy outs of other companies accomplish.  And of course the executives will make out big time.

Its the same old sad story that cost people their jobs and the extension of transferring wealth from the middle class to the wealthy.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Friday, October 30, 2015

Oil And Gas Tax Breaks Cost Louisiana's Tax Payers And The State A Bundle

The Louisiana legislative auditor said in a report that horizontal drilling for oil and gas cost the state over $1.1 billion in lost severance tax revenue due to the tax exemptions on such drilling for the years 2010 - 2014.  The report also noted Louisiana was the only state that offered a severance tax suspension for horizontal drilling.  The story was carried in a Times Picayune article of October 28.

This writer reported in a commentary long ago how the industry shifted its usual vertical drilling for natural gas where they have no exemption to horizontal drilling where they could claim the exemption.  A double wammy to the state's budget because of the actions by the state legislature.  Does any one really think the industry needs those exemptions in order to drill, produce and make a profit?  They also have the cost of doing business as deductions.

The report also said because of changes made by the legislature recently the companies may not pay any taxes at all for the next 5 years because of the low price of oil and gas.  The $8 billion of tax breaks and exemptions given business in Louisiana every year is a major reason why Louisiana and its citizens rank so low of the 50 states on the economic scale.

I wonder how many of Louisiana's uninsured could be insured with that $1.1 billion in revenue loss or how many other cuts in the budget could have been avoided.  This should be a wake up call for all Louisiana voters.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Third Republican Presidential Debate

Wednesday's Republican Presidential debate in Colorado hosted by CNBC was billed as a debate concerning the issues of the economy and jobs but failed the test.  The republican's answers were the same as they have been in every republican debate since President Reagan's era.  The government is too big;  too much government regulations;  national debt is too large;  tax cuts that benefit those who need them the least;  social security and medicare are bankrupt;  democrats will raise your taxes;  etc., etc., and etc.

The moderators never had a handle on the real questions that should have been asked concerning the economy and jobs, debt, balancing the federal budget and federal spending.  Why would the republicans much tried tax plan work when prior to Obama becoming President when republicans controlled the White House 20 of the previous 28 years yet during those 28 years it was President Clinton's administration who produced the best of every thing including balancing the federal budget while Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 created 20 years of debt with deficit spending.

Now the republicans are running against Obama's policies that have performed much better for the country and its people than the policies of President George W. Bush who implemented and said the $1.5 trillion tax cut that was supposed to expand the economy, create jobs and balance the budget but it never happened.  In fact the worst of things happened.

The republicans only answer is tax cuts and they have failed the test every time to produce the desired results.  The worst part of the republicans rhetoric come from those candidates who are serving in congress, governors and former governors who call for balanced budgets, debt reduction, reduced federal spending and etc., but whose party has never accomplished any of those things while holding the White House in the past 50 years.  But democratic administrations have under President's Johnson, Clinton and Obama.

The republican party and its candidates will continue to run against Obama, Clinton and Sanders because they still can not articulate any real policy on the issues.  This writer understands why one moderator wanted to know where the candidates stand on "fantasy football."  It of course is not even an issue and should have never been brought up but I guess the moderator was tired of the same old worn out rhetoric of tax cuts and the elimination of government regulations as the problem solver.

CNBC's regular daily programs concern money matters such as finances, the stock market, the economy, jobs, trade and etc.  Most of their hosts endorsed the Bush tax cuts as a boom for the economy and jobs and balancing the federal budget and they were one of many who said the economy was sound when it was falling apart in 2008.  One would think their moderators would have done a better job at asking the republican candidates just how their tax cuts would work when the party's previous ones failed.  What a missed opportunity.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Monday, October 26, 2015

Democrat John Bel Edwards Wins First Primary In Louisiana Governor's Race

The pollsters and pundits were saying Edwards would win 29-30% of the vote in Saturday's primary.  They were wrong as democrat Edwards won 40% of the vote.  The best the runner up could do was 23% for David Vitter whose share of the vote kept shrinking during the campaign.  He was AWOL in most of the debates.

"PolitiDose" endorsed Edwards in the governor's race early on because of his leadership qualities, his background, his record of service and his willingness to discuss the policies he would pursue as governor.  The people know where JBE stands on the issues facing the state and its people.  He also ran a positive campaign and was not divisive.

Edwards also demonstrated his commitment to the state and the people Saturday night when most of the results were in.  He was thankful and spoke about his visions for the state on many issues.  It was all about the state and its people moving forward.  Vitter on his after election speech was more of the conservative rhetoric concerning President Obama and the usual divisive talk.  One would think Vitter is running for some office other than governor of Louisiana.  What a stark contrast.

In the second primary representative Edwards will need a high turn out of the democratic vote, keep the votes he won and about 10% of the republican vote that was cast in the first primary.  This writer expects Edwards to continue to run a positive campaign and be ready to handle the personal attacks and divisive issues that will surely be used by Vitter.  That is the only type of campaign he and his party can run.  They have absolutely no accomplishments to run on.  

John Bel Edwards is the only candidate in this race who is a serious public official with the political understanding to put Louisiana on a new course that is so needed after eight years of republican mis-management.  

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Technology: How Far Can It Go and What Will Civilization Look Like.

Will technology make the human mind obsolete in the future and create a robot society?  It appears that technology is pointed in that direction.  Smart phones are doing everything, banking, purchasing, personal needs and a hosts of other things including services and no one needs a desk any more to think.  In fact technology does the thinking for us.

More and more time is being consumed of a person's life and there is a mad rush always to purchase the newest technology.  This writer was not born in the age of technology so my views may be a little bias.  I do live in the age of it now but not to the extent of the younger generation and many who were born in it.  I guess I just get the feeling that the age of technology is robbing younger people of what might have been.

My two grandsons who are in college are very adept in using technology and first started at an early age in school.  The are two good young men with a great future.  My hope and prayers are that the human side of life will always be fore most in their thinking and in their lives.  The freedom and use of the mind to think and dream is the greatest force on earth and that is why we are human.

Technology obviously serves a purpose in life and work and expands our understanding and knowledge but we human beings have to make human decisions to grow, learn about life and reach our full potential.  Our days on earth are about living life and using our talents to make the world a better place to live for future generations.  Years ago I read and cut out a "saying" titled, TAKING TIME as shown below.  As my two grandsons were growing up I sent them the "saying" and from time to time I still remind them to TAKE TIME.  It is a part of human nature that can help us all and free our minds.  I trust they understand the meaning of TAKING TIME and apply it in their lives.


Take time to think    --------It is the source of power
Take time to play    --------It is the secret of perpetual youth
Take time to work  -------- It is the price of success
Take time to read  ---------It is the fountain of wisdom
Take time to laugh ---------It is the music of the soul
Take time to give ----------It is to short a day to be selfish
Take time to be friendly ----It is the road to happiness
Take time to love and be loved ------It is a God given privilege
Take time to pray -------- It is the greatest power on earth

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, October 24, 2015

The Real Story Of The Dysfunctional Republican Controlled U.S. House Of Representatives

Cable news and various journalists have reported many stories concerning speaker of the House John Boehner's resignation and the right wing extreme demands of the republican tea party, now called the "freedom caucus."  But the real story has never been told.  It's the story of a party that dislikes the democratic process.

The real story is that Boehner and the republicans outnumber the tea party extremist like around 240-38 but lack the character and leadership to put the little boys in their place.  Instead they cave in and allow the minority to control the majority in the party.  Part of the reason is they do not want the country to make progress under the Obama administration.  They could actually pass meaningful legislation with out the tea party vote with democratic help if they wanted to.  That is exactly what happened the last time they shut the government down.  They passed the CR that opened the government back up with democratic votes.  In fact the democrats supplied the majority vote.

Part of the real story is John Boehner failed to exercise his leadership and instead created a House that became dysfunctional.  Allowing the House the wasted time to take up and vote to defund the ACA over 50 times illustrates just how bad the real story became.  The other part of the real story is that republicans think democratic Presidents should implement their agenda when they lose elections.  The democratic process is absent in their ideology.

Yes, the real story is a sad, sad story how the republican party has changed the nature of our political system from one that worked to one that represents an ideology that does not work even when they control one house of congress.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Vice President Joe Biden Makes His Decision

Wednesday Vice President Biden announced he would not be a candidate for his party's Presidential nomination and in the process put an end to all the speculation.  Biden said it was too late and he did not have enough time to mount a winning campaign.  The Vice President came out a winner in his announcement and displayed his character which under scores the reasons he was a successful U.S. Senator and has been a successful Vice President.

The cable news networks and the pundits were the losers with their daily speculations and their use of polling to show how the Presidential candidates would stack up if the Vice President entered the race.  They questioned his timing even though he was going through a period of mourning over the death of his son.  Joe Biden proved he was a better man than all of them.

In his announcement, Biden said the democratic party should run on President Obama's record of accomplishments  and keep the momentum going and he was so right.  Biden is smart enough to know the republicans can't and wont run on President Bush's record or the republican record in general because they have no accomplishments.

The Vice President was true to his character when he said he will continue to speak on the issues and not be silent because he is not a candidate.  Joe Biden is one of a kind and a true serious public servant.  It's too bad the Vice President's civility, character and leadership has escaped so many in the political world of today.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Monday, October 19, 2015

Terror Attack On U. S. Soil: Republicans Still Trying To Rewrite History.

Its on the cable networks again, the Donald Trump - Jeb Bush individual debate.  Jeb Bush said his brother kept "us" safe.  Trump said he did not think so and reminded Jeb that the worst foreign terrorist attack on U.S. soil happened on his brother's watch.  Jeb responded, his brother kept us safe after the attack on 9/11 and its important how his brother acted after the attack.

Jeb's statement continues to illustrate how the conservative ideology can not accept the truth of history even when facts remain facts.  President Bush did not keep "us" safe after 9/11 either and in fact started a war and occupation of Iraq over WMD that did not exist.  Most of America's wounded and dead during the Iraq war was at the hands of Al Queda in Iraq and other terrorist groups and our troops certainly are part of "us."

Trying to rewrite the facts of history is nothing new with republicans.  They have tried to do so concerning deficit spending, taxes, the national debt, increased federal spending, keeping America safe, the economy, job creation and a host of other subjects they claim to be best at accomplishing even though history and the facts tell a different story.

Jeb Bush has been out of public office a number of years and now since he wants to join the ranks once again show his lack of political understanding.  Jeb and his family would be better served had he not declared his intent to run for the republican Presidential nomination. He also showed a serious lack of understanding by trying to compare the terrorist attack on 9/11 to the attack on Pearl Harbor.  What a shame.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Federal Deficit Continues To Fall Under The Democratic Administration Of President Obama

The U.S. Treasury Department announced that the federal budget deficit for fiscal year ending 9/30/15 was $439 billion, down from the previous fiscal year of 9/30/14 which was $483 billion.  It was $1.4 trillion at the end of President George W. Bush's last fiscal year budget.  That is a tremendous turn around in putting the fiscal house of the federal government back on track.

President Bush inherited a balanced federal budget and surplus when he took office and then left office with an eight year deficit spending spree.  So did republican President Ronald Reagan and so did President George Herbert Walker Bush after his four years in office.  No republican President in the last 50 years left office with a smaller deficit then when they took office, but democratic President Obama will leave office with a much smaller deficit than when he took office by a sizable amount.  And of course, so did President Clinton.

There was more good news earlier in the month when the Labor Department announced that the economy created 153,000 new jobs in September.  Unemployment remained steady at 5.1% and hourly wages showed an increase over the same period of last year.  Into the six years and nine months of Obama's time in office the economy has created over 8.5 million new jobs and the President still has 15 more months in office.  There were only 1.5 million new jobs created under President George W. Bush in the eight years he served.  That was the worst job creation record since the great depression of 1929.

President Obama's economic policies put into place when the democratic party controlled both houses of congress continues to work and would work even better for the country and its people if the republicans would act on the many other recommendations of the President they refuse to take up.  The republican party in congress needs to get a life and start acting like Americans, democrats don't have that problem.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Friday, October 16, 2015

The Democratic Presidential Debate

A record 15 plus million people watched the debate we are told, a record for a democratic Presidential debate.  And the winners were the democratic candidates, CNN and most important, the people.  It was a Presidential debate of the issues and not the side show of division, personal attacks and racial remarks that were on display during the first two republican debates.

The five democratic candidates gave a good account of themselves on the issues with answers that explained their positions.  It was a civil debate even when the candidates disagreed with their opponent.  There were many smiles, humor and the candidates were relaxed.  The moderator did a good job over all to cover the issues and stayed away from the standard questions of abortion and other divisive issues.

The democratic candidates helped keep the moderator on the important issues when he strayed and tried to raise the question concerning Hillary's emails and Bernie Sanders reminded every one there were more important issues to discuss than the "damm emails."  The other candidates supported that and never brought up the emails much to their credit.

This writer believes Clinton, Sanders and O'Malley performed the best and that all five are a credit and asset to the democratic party with their positive messages on the issues and the civility afforded the debate.  Those who wanted to see Hillary fail will have to rethink their positions.  This writer mentioned in a commentary a few weeks ago the debate would be about issues and it turned out that way.  I am happy those predictions came true for the breath of fresh air provided by the candidates will likely result in more people watching the next debate and their campaign and that will be a positive for democracy.

Note:  Did any one notice Hillary said at the debate that the economy always does better on democratic administrations?  Well the readers of "PolitiDose" have been reading that here for the last seven years.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

The Change At MSNBC Is Coming Into Focus, But No Applause Yet

The changes taking place at MSNBC put into effect by its parent NBC has come about at the same time the Presidential debates were starting.  NBC said they wanted more news reporting and shed the "Ed Show" and rearranged other shows.  There are now more republican guest even though a former republican National Committee Chairman and John McCain's former campaign manager are regular contributors on the network.  In this writers opinion the network is moving toward the Fox news frame work when they were the only network that could counter Fox's propaganda.  The "Ed Show" was the only MSNBC program able to rebut Fox and the republican lies and Ed did it with facts and numbers.  Ed was also able to articulate how conservatism practice by the republican party had no accomplishments.

MSNBC is giving so much free TV time to Donald Trump he is bragging that he has only spent $2 million so far on his campaign which is a drop in the bucket to what his opponents have spent.  Chris Hayes shows so much footage of Trump you can't help but believe that is the candidate he is backing.  Of course Fox news is giving Trump a free ride also.  MSNBC has been picking up on the so called Hillary scandal concerning her emails and Benghazi and are trying to convince their viewers it will be a great issue she will have to overcome.  MSNBC and Fox are both still up set because Hillary is campaigning directly to the people.  The so called difficulties of Hillary was manufactured  by the likes of Fox and MSNBC and other news outlets.

Brian Williams role has been reduced to special reports and breaking news, a demotion from his role as NBC's nightly news anchor.  The so called "breaking news" about the recent circus going on in the republican party's U.S. House for a new speaker only confirmed what everyone has know for the past several years, that is the republican controlled U.S. House is a non performing arm of congress run by little boy republican conservatives who need a good old fashion slap in the face.

Time will tell just how far MSNBC is willing to go in the name of being more news worthy.  Allowing this Presidential election time to play out naturally will be a good start but don't look for the network to give up its free time to Donald Trump.  NBC, the parent, has already scheduled Trump to host Saturday Night Live.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Another Reason Why John Bel Edwards Should Be Louisiana's Next Governor

Edwards is a graduate of West Point Academy and served his country on active duty.  His commands included several areas including combat forces.  Those command positions require discipline, leadership, knowledge and a commitment to get the job done. Those are qualities required and needed in political life and governing in order to meet the challenges of the time.

Louisiana 's next governor needs a person with those qualities to reverse the conservative ideology that has played havoc with the fiscal affairs and the economic well being of the state.  What happened to Louisiana on Jindal's conservative watch also happened to the nation on the conservative watch of President George W. Bush.  It is not just a coincident.  The three conservatives in the race for Louisiana governor, Vitter, Angelle and Dardenne represent the status quo and even more so because each of the three are saying he is the most conservative.

Louisiana is a state with out leadership and John Bel Edwards will lead with policies that reflect the needs to change and move the state and its people forward.  His back ground will not allow him to see which way the wind is blowing before making a decision.  His position to accept medicaid expansion under the ACA places him well above his republican opponents who have been vague at best.

Every ones life experience is uplifting and an asset but conservatives undermine that asset because they have to alter the facts to satisfy their ideology.  John Bel Edwards does not have that problem and knows where he wants to take the state and its people.  He is well aware of the past and will work for a future that will lift the state beyond the rhetoric of division, blame and personal attacks.

Louisiana voters have an opportunity on October 24 to return the state to democratic management.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Friday, October 9, 2015

Another First For "PolitiDose" Benghazi Was No Hillary Clinton Scandal.

The Fox News and the republicans in congress said the terror attack that struck Benghazi was a Hillary Scandal.  Cable News such as MSNBC and CNN in particular flashed "scandal" on the bottom of the TV screen when reporting on the event.  The republican Presidential candidates jumped on the bandwagon.  But "PolitiDose" knew better and reported so a  long time ago and pointed out that Hillary's email issues was not a scandal either.

The moment of truth came when the republican House majority leader Kevin McCarthy told Fox news the Benghazi investigation hearing by the republican controlled House committee did what it was intended to do, lower Hillary's poll numbers and damage her campaign.  It finally came out of the republican mouth, there is and was no scandal concerning Hillary and Benghazi.  McCarthy has since withdrawn his name as a candidate for Speaker of the House to replace John Boehner.  The Benghazi House committee hearing from the very beginning was to wound Hillary and not about the facts on the terror attack that took American lives.

The House Intelligence Panel that investigated the Benghazi attack (separate from the House hearing) issued its report after a two year study and found no wrong doing by the Obama administration.  That intelligence panel was made up of both democrats and republicans.  The panel also found that there was  never a "stand down order" as republicans charged and that Fox news repeated many time over.  The Intelligence report was issued many months ago.

The scandal that never was is just one of many reasons conservatism as practiced by today's republican party is an unAmerican ideology.  Stay tuned because Hillary's emails will not turn out to be a scandal either.  And like Benghazi, when the truth comes out you will have read it here first in "PolitiDose" your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Monday, October 5, 2015

The Times Picayune Editorial Board: Out Of Touch And A Disrespect For Facts.

In two recent "Our Opinion" columns titled, "Steve Scalise Would Make A Perfect Fit and "Hands Off Louisiana's Oil And Gas Money" was laughable.  The paper's support for Scalise as majority leader of the republican controlled U.S. House touts Scalise's conservative credentials and says Scalise is skilled at building coalitions to get legislation passed but could not name any meaningful legislation passed and signed into law.

The opinion piece did mention that Scalise when campaigning for the number 3 spot (House Whip) he did play "Eye of the Tiger" on the loud speaker.  I guess the TP believes that is a qualification.  The fact is Steve Scalise is the republican whip of a dysfunctional U.S. House and it has taken place on his watch, the current majority's watch and John Boehner's watch.  The TP failed to point out that Scalise voted to shut down the government the last time the issue came up.  He voted for default and against the CR that would have kept the federal government up and running. Louisiana's David Vitter, Bill Cassidy and John Fleming also voted to shut down the federal government.  Democrats Mary Landrieu and Cedric Richmond along with republican Charles Boustany voted for the CR to open the federal government.  Scalise was also one of 80 republicans who signed a letter not to vote for anything that did not defund the ACA.  If elected to majority leader Scalise will not change his unAmerican conservative ideology as practiced by today's republican party.

The Times Picayune's other opinion column was another attack of some members of congress who may propose to reduce oil and gas royalties from offshore drilling due to be shared by Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi and Texas beginning in 2017.  That money is supposed to be used to restore Louisiana's coast.  Then the TP article makes this astounding statement.THE CANALS THAT WERE CUT THROUGH THE STATE'S WETLANDS FOR OIL AND GAS EXPLORATION CONTRIBUTED TO EROSION THAT DESTROYED 1,900 SQUARE MILES OF LAND FROM 1932 TO 2000.  AND OUR MARSHES ARE STILL WASHING AWAY.

That is exactly what the Levee Boards suit was all about.  To make the oil companies pay for the damage they caused and the TP opposed that suit.  Many of those oil companies who damaged Louisiana's land never drilled one offshore well but the TP wants those offshore royalties to pay for the damages that those companies caused.  Offshore royalty payments to states should be separate from the oil industry's responsibility to pay for the environmental damage it is responsible for.

Supposed the Oil industry stopped drilling offshore tomorrow?  Would the TP then support the Levee Boards suit if there are no royalties to be collected?  Better yet, where has the TP been since 1932 concerning the industry's failure to protect Louisiana's environment and be held accountable for their destructive acts.

Drilling offshore was a late bloomer.  During such prior time Louisiana drilling and production was regulated by the state, but the TP did not think restoration of the damaged environment was important to talk about.  It is only the flood of money from the BP spill and offshore royalties that opened their closed eyes.  BP and offshore royalties became the scapegoat.  BP should be held responsible for the damage it caused and has been by the federal government, thanks to the Obama administration.  But BP should not be responsible for damages caused by the many other oil and gas company operations.

The wolves are at the door and the oil industry has been laughing all the way to the bank since 1932.  Why not?  They knew the TP and elected officials would be their mouthpiece and defender of the violations of Louisiana's environment.  Do the math, count how many years it has been going on since 1932.  That should make any sane person sick.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Bobby Jindal's Latest Proposal Continues To Expose His Failed Leadership

Governor Bobby Jindal, the self proclaimed conservative would like to use some BP oil spill money to help pay to elevate Louisiana highway 1 near Port Fourchon.  That BP fine money can only be used for coastal restoration.  The America's Wetland Foundation opposes the move by Jindal and thinks the BP money should be used for the purpose it was intended for.

Jindal has a history of robbing peter to pay paul and using one time money to balance the state's budget.  That is one of the major reasons his budgets never actually balance.  States are supposed to produce enough revenue to cover the needs of its own highway system and state infrastructure and this republican administration has failed to live up to its responsibility.

One can be sure another republican administration  will not answer the problem because conservatism as practiced today by the republican party is anti everything with the exception of big business.  And guess what?  It shows.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Volkswagen And Halliburton: Another Example Of Corporate Corruption.

Everyone knows big business does not like to be regulated.  They say they can and do regulate themselves, yet everyone knows big business keeps exposing their own lies.  The latest violation of regulations involves Volkswagon and Halliburton, two giant companies.  The Times Picayune recently carried both stories which most news media outlets just winked at.

Volkswagen CEO Martin Winterkorn admitted his company installed stealth software on over 11 million diesel Volkswagen that the software switches its engines to a cleaner mode during OFFICIAL EMISSIONS TESTING and then switches off again giving the cars more power while emitting as much as 40 times the legal pollution limit during actual driving according to the EPA.  Volkswagen said they were dishonest with the EPA, the California Air Resources Board and all of you.

The EPA said Volkswagen could be fined $37,500 per vehicle and that any one found personally responsible is subject to a $3,750 fine per violation.  This was a deliberate act by Volkswagen to by pass federal and state regulations concerning automotive emissions.  Volkswagen's CEO resigned a few days after the public disclosure.  This writer bets Volkswagen will give him millions in payout even though the deceit happened on his watch.

Halliburton reached an agreement with the U.S. Labor Department to pay 1,016 workers $18.3 million in back overtime pay.  Halliburton routinely classified those workers incorrectly as not entitled to over time pay.  Failure to pay overtime wages to qualified employees is a violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act.  The Labor Department has been investigating the energy sector for several years where federal officials suspect workers are classified incorrectly.  The Labor Department said Halliburton also did not keep accurate records of the hours worked by employees.  It should be noted that Halliburton is one of the largest service companies in the oil and gas industry and it certainly employs enough managers to make sure their employees are classified correctly.

Both companies are profitable companies who looked for ways to get around regulations and were caught by two agencies of the federal government.  And conservatives think the federal government can not do any thing right and big business can do no wrong.  Yes, my fellow Americans, our country and its people are protected from corporate wrong doing and deceit by Democratic administrations while republicans continue to give big business a pass and excuse for deregulation.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

New York Yankee Yogi Berra: Hall of Famer and World Champion

Notice of Yogi Berra's passing was a sad day for baseball, baseball fans, this writer and those in the generations that were able to witness Yogi's baseball career.  It was a magical time, especially for Yankee fans to see their team win so many World Championships.  And it was even more magical to see Yogi's love for the game he played.

Everyone in and outside baseball knew Yogi because he talked to everyone, even the umpires.  As a hitter Yogi had no strike zone.  No matter where the pitcher threw the ball Yogi would hit it and many of those hits were home runs.  He was a catcher most of his playing days but played the outfield also in his last few years.  Who can forget the 1956 World Series when Yankee pitcher Don Larson threw a perfect game and after his last pitch Yogi running up the the mound and leaped in Larson's arms with a bear hug.  That was Yogi Berra and his love for baseball.

This writer was fortunate to live through all of Yogi's baseball career.  Having played all three sports (none on a professional level) baseball was my favorite.  I can still remember the thrill going to Pelican stadium to see the New Orleans Pels play.  In the late 1940"s the Yankees played an preseason game in Pelican stadium and yours truly was in the stands.  That team had Joe DiMaggio, Charlie Keller and many of the great Yankees that preceded Yogi's era.  DiMaggio hit a home run in that ball game.  For a teenager who loved to play baseball, it was a game I will never forget.

Yogi Berra was a WWII veteran who served overseas in the European theater.  Many baseball players served their country during WWII and the Korean War.  Some of them served in both wars.  It was a time of patriotic duty that cut short years from a players career.

Yogi Berra will be greatly missed by this writer who still gets chills when I think about the years I played the game and the great players like Yogi who gave so much to baseball.  Besides being a Hall of Famer, a World Champion multiple times, Yogi was a world class human being.  Baseball's song,  Take Me Out To The Ball Game will forever live because of players like Yogi, and yes, I still get chocked up whenever I hear it played.

Thanks for the memories Yogi, I know you will continue to play baseball with your team mates in those Field of Dreams.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Pope Francis: The Holy Father Comes To America.

It is not often that the American people have a chance to see the Pope in person and up close but Pope Francis gave America and its people that opportunity four days last week and the people turned out and responded with great appreciation, enthusiasm and admiration.  Pope Francis was energetic, at ease and made sure his visit would include meeting with the disadvantage, the poor and even those in prison.

There was much speculation about what the Pope would talk about, especially when he addressed congress.  Would it be about the issues that divide the people such as abortion, same sex marriage, sexual orientation, religious freedom or religion itself.  Would it be just a religious speech for all to understand?  Pope Francis surely thought about all those things before hand and before his speech was written because the issues he discussed were not religious or political in nature, nor was it divisive.

The Pope spoke about the issues that occupy the present time but in a way that could be understood by all without putting those issues in a political, religious or divisive content.  In fact he never used divisive words instead said we must, take care of the earth, our fellow man, even those with different views and immigrants. The Pope also said excluding people not like us is wrong and alluded to the fact that people in positions of authority have to lead the way for needed change.  Pope Francis also spoke about the abuses within the Catholic Church.

Congress responded in a positive way to the Pope's message but will it change things for the better or will congress just forget since the Pope has departed.  Will the division continue by those in congress whose ideology will not allow them to change.  Time will provide the answer to that question soon enough.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, September 27, 2015

John Boehner, Speaker Of The U.S. House Of Representatives Resigns From Congress

Boehner's resignation caught the news media by surprise and launched a guessing game about why and why now.  Every one on cable news seemed to have a variety of reasons why it happened.  The why really does not matter for a number of reasons, that started soon after Obama was elected President in 2008 when Boehner proclaimed he and his party would do nothing to help the new President.

Boehner was leader of the U.S. House in name only and could not control his own members, especially the tea party right wing radicals.  He allowed the House to shut the government down for 16 days just a few short years ago and the House was unable to function as an arm of congress.  They voted over 50 times to defund the ACA which died in their own House.

Does Boehner's resignation and the election of a new Speaker indicate a more productive House?  Don't count on it, the right wing conservative who have taken over the party hate the President and will continue the party's obstruction.  They will also continue to try and divide the country.  It is part of their conservative ideology.

With the election of a new President next year the republicans in both houses of congress will do its best to prevent President Obama to achieve any of his remaining goals.  John Boehner was in a position of power where he could have achieved much for the country and its people.  He choose instead to use his position to obstruct.  It is a sad reminder how many leaders fail the test of leadership when given the opportunity to make a difference.

But strange as it seems he can still leave on a positive note by teaming up with the democrats in the House and enough republicans to prevent another government shutdown that the tea party said it will do over Planned Parenthood.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio