Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Presidential Debate That Never Was: It Was Another First For PolitiDose Commentary On The Subject.

 Thursday night's Presidential debate was the subject of three PolitiDose commentary dated, May18, June 1, and June 14 and why Presidential debates are useless and unnecessary, especially this debate between Criminal Trump and President Biden because Trump will lie about everything, both have a record, already on RECORD and it is impossible to debate a serial liar.  And sure enough, PolitiDose commentaries were right on target.

After the debate, pundits in the media displayed their ignorance with their comments about the President's performance, but as usual said nothing about Trump's lies all thru the debate.  The media attacked Biden for not responding boldly to Trump's lies about January 6 even though the President has been doing so in a forceful manner since he took office three and half years ago and in a public way to Trump's attempt to overturn the 2020 Presidential election.  Does any one think the President, in a debate with only one minute allowed to reply needs to affirm his position he has taken since day one?

CNN took itself off the hook when they refused to counter any of Trump's lies.  The media in general has taken the same position since Trump's actions on January 6.  In fact, it is safe to say that a large segment of the main street media has joined the conservative media in becoming Trump's patsy, surrogate and enabler.  They failed the simple test of accepting that Trump, a serial liar, convicted criminal, sexual abuser, fraudster and a former President who tried to overturn a Presidential election is unfit for any political office and unfit to be invited to any political debate.  

The bottom line tells us that on President Biden's worse day, he is still the best man and most qualified nominee to be re-elected.  And he has the real RECORD  of performance that can be backed up by FACTS.  A ninety minute false debating show is not a defining moment like the media would like the pubic to believe.  Long ago this writer expressed the opinion that the President would not run for reelection, not because of age, but because it is time to turn to a new generation of capable democratic leaders that are available now.  The President has accomplished much for the country and its people since the disaster of the Trump years and will end his term in office as a winner who cared for democracy, the country and its people.  

The media who created Trump and the negative voices have been on the wrong side of America the Beautiful and the positive accomplishments that have taken place on President Biden's watch.  All should remember the wise words of the Sumerians, who over 6000 years ago said they were taught, "The Key to a better future is learning from and understanding the failures of the past."

And 6000 years later, that is the key in the November Presidential election.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio   

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Did Donald Trump Visit New Orleans To Raise Money For His Campaign Or His Legal Bills?

 A New Orleans Advocate article in Tuesday's edition tells us that Trump was in New Orleans on Monday and raised $5 million at the uptown New Orleans home of Boysie Bollinger, a major republican fundraiser in Louisiana.  Louisiana's U.S. Senator John Kennedy, Governor Jeff Landry and Louisiana's representative Steve Scalise were there in support of Trump and the fundraiser.  It has been reported that Trump has used fundraising to pay his legal bills in connection with his indictments and trials.

The event was a sad day for the state and city having a convicted criminal come calling for money and some elected officials and willing contributors support such a person for the Presidency.  The article noted there were some pro Trump and anti Trump protesters near the site expressing their thoughts, but no problems resulted.  Tyler Bridges, the author of the article displayed how the media continues to enable criminal Trump when he made a comment completely unrelated to the event when he said and I quote, "Biden also suffered a legal blow when a jury in Delaware convicted his son Hunter Biden two weeks ago of lying about his drug use on a federal background check form."  That was a legal blow to Hunter and not the President as Bridges suggest.  Hunter Biden is a grown man, does not hold public office and is responsible for his own actions.

The last sentence of the article ends with these words.  " An 8 year old boy nearby holding a sign.  It read, Love, not hate."  That sign tells the story of Trump's corruptive life.  There is no love to anything Trump touches because he, himself is toxic.  This writer believes Louisiana and America the Beautiful, should reject a Presidential nominee whose resume includes a convicted criminal, sexual abuser, fraudster and former President who attempted to overturn the 2020 Presidential election and prevent the peaceful transfer of power and who still faces multiple indictments and trials.  The people should also reject the notion, that kind of behavior is the NORM for political office. 

This commentary written by Joe Lorio


Monday, June 24, 2024

Donald Trump Supports Louisiana's Ten Commandments.

 Last Saturday in Washington speaking before Evangelical Christians, Trump endorsed and invoked Louisiana's new legislation requiring the 10 commandments be displayed in every public school class room.  A day earlier on his Social media network he posted the following:  "I love the 10 commandments in public schools, private schools, and many other places, for that matter.  Read it, how can we as a nation go wrong???

Donald Trump, the former President, convicted criminal, sexual abuser, fraudster and adulterer evidently never read the 10 commandments himself.  How could HE go wrong???  He has lived a life of violating the spirit of the commandments and the actual laws.  Does anyone really believe Donald Trump loves the 10 commandments as he proclaims too.  Trump is no moral leader of the people or the nation nor anyone else who uses the commandments for political purpose.  Trump and his so called religious crowd would like to see the U.S. become another Middle East where religious thought control people's lives which has been toxic to peace and democracy in that area for over 2000 years.

The 2024 election for President has only one real candidate that understands what America the Beautiful is all about and how and why our forefathers gave us a constitution that require the separation of church and state.  That generation of leaders, void of computer or A1 technology, understood what would make the country the great country it is and how the people themselves can determine their own fate and direction without religion looking over their shoulders.  

For Trump and his supporters, division is their goal and religion is one of their methods to achieve division.  Many years ago President Clinton said the only way the GOP can win elections is by dividing the country, it is their only card to play.  The voters made the right choice in the 2020 election when they elected Joe Biden President.  The 2024 election turns out to be a very, very important one because President Biden's opponent has a criminal record and a record of corruption.  He is totally unfit for office, has an un-American and anti-Democratic ideology that tried to overturn the 2020 Presidential election and prevent the lawful and peaceful transfer of power to the new administration.  Trump has also been a serial liar since day one and it continues today.  

President Biden is the SANE President and candidate whose policies moved the country in the right direction after the economic recession and COVID pandemic during the Trump years.  The facts tell the story of his Administrations success with the economy and putting America back to work.  It is this writer's judgement that President Biden is worthy of being reelected President of the United States.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Another Big First For PolitiDose Commentary.

 Monday night on MSNBC's show The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell, part of his offering statemen was about Democratic administrations governing much better than Republican administrations do and how President Joe Biden has been the SANE voice for America among the toxic rhetoric and the good job Biden has done with the economy.  He also spoke of the new political add by Biden set to start running which reminds the voters that Trump is a convicted criminal, an abuser of women and a fraudster.  

And if all that sounded familiar to the viewing public it's because you read it here first in PolitiDose commentary.  Commentary that reminded the people that Biden and the Democrats were the only SANE people in Washington doing their job while Trump and the GOP were being their usual toxic self dividing the country.  It was also PolitiDose commentary that reminded it's readers that Trump was not only a convicted criminal but called attention to his abuse of women, his fraud history and defamation.  

In fact, PolitiDose commentary has for the past 10 years spelled out why Democratic administration are best at governing America the Beautiful.  And they are best at governing every phase of the American economy.  MSNBC and other media networks are slow to realize the facts, tardy in reporting the good news and spend too much time on the negative voices who have no accomplishments.  With 5 months left to the November elections, the media should tune out the negative voices and pay attention to the positives of the past 45 months and the balance of this year which economist are now saying will be a strong second half.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Friday, June 14, 2024

The Media Has Descended Into The Bottom of The Barrel With Donald Trump.

 It was the media who created Trump during the 2016 Presidential election when he became a Republican Presidential candidate.  Ever since then, the media has aided and enabled him with excessive media coverage to spread his lies, misinformation, personal attacks and blaming others for his own self made corruption.  And now, after being convicted of 34 felony counts in a New York criminal trial, a judge's finding of sexual abuse and fine for $5 million for such abuse, then another multi-million dollar fine for defaming the same women by a jury trial, a judge trial that found Trump company guilty of Fraud which Trump was fined over $300 million for allowing the Fraud to take place, the same media is still aiding and enabling the same Donald Trump the criminal.

Still to come are multiple federal indictments, a Georgia state indictments that are waiting to go to trial.  If all that is difficult to wrap your head around, it is astounding to think the same media invited criminal Trump to take part in a Presidential debate with President Joe Biden who will be the only sane person at the debate.  The invitation is a disgrace to the Presidential event where a serial liar and convicted criminal will be allowed to participate in such an event.  The invitation indicates the media does not care about honesty, democracy, morals, the rule of law, the country or what the office of the President stands for.  

Our country experienced other candidates and office holders who had to withdraw from running or the office they held because of previous misconduct.  The media played a role in that as being unacceptable. But the media today treats criminal Trump like he is a big star.   They really don't care about Trump's corruption and the fact he is unfit to hold any political office again, much less the Presidency.  

The media knew what Trump was like in 2016 when at a campaign rally he asked Russia's Putin to tap into Hillary Clinton's email because he was looking for dirt to use during the campaign.  At another campaign rally Trump also told his supporters he could go out and shoot someone and his supporters would not care. The media gave little coverage to those two statement but PolitiDose commentary gave timely commentary calling Trump's statement about Clinton a traitorous act.  

Not only should Trump's criminal conviction disqualify him from any Presidential debate, his traitorous acts while President in trying to overturn the 2020 election with lies, a mob attack on the U.S. Capitol, ordering his Vice President not to count the electoral votes, denial of the peaceful transfer of power were a grave danger to democracy.  Those acts also make him unfit for public office.

This writer will not be viewing the Presidential debates.  It will be a one sided debate of lies the public has been exposed to for too many years by Donald Trump, the convicted criminal.  Both debaters have a record so it is known which one is the most qualified to run the country the next four years.  The media, by the way it has covered Trump tells us they believe Trump's corruption and criminal conviction is the NORM in American politics.  This writer rejects their sorry and dangerous excuse for politics in America.  

After the debate, as usual, the media will meet with its hosts and break down what the debate was all about.  It will be a rerun of all Trump's lies that we have heard which seems like an eternity.  The only sane debater will be the President Joe Biden.  Trump has managed to run over the media like he did his own party.  The sad part is that, like the GOP, the media allowed it to take place. 

The democratic party continues to stand strong, steady and sane and govern despite the havoc the GOP and the media has cast upon America the Beautiful.  

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The U.S. Economy, Job Creation and the Unemployment Rate for May, 2024.

 The U.S. Labor Department reported the economy created 272,000 jobs in May and the unemployment rate came in at 4%, it was 3.9% in April.  It was the 40th straight month of positive job growth and the unemployment rate stayed in the 3% range for 27 straight months, longest stretch since the 1950's.  The negative voices continue to play the economy and job creation down while waiting for the Fed's next move this week.  

The Department also reported wages for May were up 4.1% from a year ago and well above inflation.  Four years ago in May of 2020 under the Trump administration, the unemployment rate was 13.2% and in February 2020, The National Bureau of Economic Research, the arbiter of U.S. recessions reported the country entered an economic recession that month, a full month before the COVID pandemic began.  That Trump recession ended the 10 straight years of economic expansion that began in 2009, a year after the Bush 43 great recession.  Under the Trump administration the country lost 2.7 million jobs.

And so, my fellow Americans, after the negative voices of doom and gloom who have predicted a recession since the second quarter of 2022 and have been wrong, America and it's people are better off today, than they were under Trump four years ago.  

It should be no surprise to anyone who understands the facts and to those who read PolitiDose commentary because it was all reported before it all took place.  The greatest threat to the economy are the negative voices with their BS and misinformation about everything concerning the economy and the media who give more coverage to those negative voices and report little about all the positive aspects of the economy and the consumers willingness to spend.

And it was PolitiDose commentary that predicted before and early after Biden was elected that the GOP and the negative voices would begin their negative tactics soon after Biden took office.  It was another first of many PolitiDose commentaries.

This commentary written by Joe  Lorio 

Sunday, June 2, 2024

The Republican Party and Armageddon. Part II

The countdown has begun to the party's National Convention in early July to select its official Presidential nominee.  And it will begin with Donald Trump being the projected nominee.  But along the way their projected nominee has been found criminally guilty by a New York jury of Trump's peers on 34 felony counts.  Never before has a major political party nominated a convicted criminal to such a high position.  So, what will the party do when the convention begins the nomination process?

This writer believes that the party will disregard all political norms and nominate Trump anyway.  Why, because the party has allowed Trump to corrupt them to his level.  We know this because like Trump, follow his directions and blame everyone and everything for Trump's corruption.  As a result, they, the party are corrupt and feel comfortable supporting a serial liar and convicted criminal.

The next step for Trump, his party and supporters will be to push for a pardon using the self serving excuse, IT WOULD BE NECESSARY TO HEAL THE COUNTRY.  What the people need most to HEAL THE COUNTRY IS FOR TRUMP TO PAY THE PRICE LIKE ANY OTHER ORDINARY CITIZEN BECAUSE NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW.  

Quin Hillyer, commentary editor for the Washington Examiner, a conservative news outlet said in a May 12 editorial published in the New Orleans Advocate titled, "Rule breaking protesters deserve neither respect nor mercy" referring to the protesters, and I quote, "If you break laws, you are by definition a criminal and criminals deserve imprisonment."  That would also apply to Trump's Fraud judgement and fine in New York, his sexual abuse and defamation judgements and fines and of course his criminal conviction in the Stormy Daniels matter because laws were broken in all judgements.  

In this writer's opinion, the GOP we once knew does not exist.  It has been totally corrupted by Trump and accepted by the party.  If the party does nominate Trump at the convention in July, Armageddon of the GOP will be complete.  As of this writing, the sickness of the party, both moral and mental, no one has stepped forward to say enough is enough and move the party in a new direction.

The future of the GOP is now in the hands of the Republican National Committee at the Republican convention in July when all members can stand up and express themselves.  The voting public will find out if the party has any independent voices willing to stand up not only for their party but for Democracy.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio   

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Criminal Donald Trump Found Guilty On All 34 Counts.

 The scales of American justice caught up with former President Donald Trump on May 30 in New York when a jury of Trump's peers found him guilty on all 34 felony counts related to the Stormy Daniel's hush money case.  It was the very first time a former President and Presidential nominee has ever been convicted of a criminal charge.  It was the fourth time in the last year Trump was found in violation of the law.  Fraud, sexual abuse, defamation and now 34 counts of felony charges.  And on the horizon, multiple indictments on the federal level and a state trial in Georgia yet to be set.  Not a very attractive rap sheet.

The conservative media, Trump himself and the GOP in congress did their best to try and influence the outcome of the trial in Trump's favor but fell flat.  They attacked everyone and the judicial system, even the judge and his family but it was Trump's peers, the 12 jury members who sat in silence in the court room, heard the real evidence in testimony and voted to convict on all counts.  And all of a sudden, the rule of law told the story that no one, not even a former President is above the law.

The state of New York's judicial system worked and their men in blue handled the situation like the professionals they are.  Such a contrast to the loud mouth liars and their disrespect for the democratic system of justice.  Trump and his party will continue to play the blame game but it will soon dry up.  The bottom line is Trump is the most unqualified Presidential candidate the country has ever had and a serial liar.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

The CNN and ABC Networks Should Now Cancel The June Presidential Debate.

 Does CNN and ABC really believe Donald Trump with his criminal record should be invited to take part in a Presidential debate?  In the past some members of congress have been forced to resign because of alleged behavior (some sexual) but none that arose to the level of Trump's rap sheet of convictions and large monetary fines for Fraud, sexual abuse, defamation and now 34 counts of criminal felony charges.  Former Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned his office because of a bribery indictment.

But now we have a Donald Trump, a republican party, a conservative media and some in the general media trying to convince the American people to accept the unacceptable, a corrupted convicted Presidential candidate.  Make no mistake, those who support or would vote for a convicted Trump supports corrupted politicians and therefore supports corrupted government.

Presidential debates and the Presidency itself should be held to higher standards. And when you add the fact that a sitting President, Donald Trump attempted to overturn a legitimate Presidential election and deny the lawful peaceful transfer of power to  the newly elected President Joe Biden, which was a traitorous act by Trump, it is unthinkable to allow a Donald Trump to appear in any debate or hold any public office.

CNN and ABC should  call off the debate and stand up to its responsibility of defending America's moral values as a nation and the historical norms of what the Presidency stands for.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio